Sunday 11 August 2019

Standards of Society?: Who is deciding??

We gotta keep it humble, the only way to get up is to get above yourself. 
Shake your heart, shake your ass, shake your mind; 
And baby keep shaking they're gon' get bigger with time!
-HumbleThePoet x iiSuperwomanii

I am going to talk about serious taboos of society in this article; so if you're mildly or even faintly offended, please stop reading this, right here. This the Vol.1 of the unrealistic standards of society, many more articles are to follow.

We live in a digital age, the social and economic impact of digital platforms are humongous. We all use it, but there's a very fine line between visual documentation and exploitation. Just because you have the power to write and post on a public forum, and you have a certain number of viewers; does not and should not mean that you get to use the power in a negative way. For example, in Feb'18; India lost one of its finest female superstars ever born, Lt. Sridevi; She was found dead in a hotel bathtub and the postmortem stated the cause of death to be a heart attack and the Indian Media; overstepped their jurisdiction with headlines such as "Maut ka Bathtub" (The bathtub of death), "Sridevi ka aakhri dance" (Sridevi's last dance), news anchors said 'sharab ke nashe me chali gyi duniya se Chandini' (Under the intoxication of alcohol, Chandini leaves the world).

I don't think journalism was meant to stoop this low. I know so many digital content creators who are using such clickbait methods to pass information. The real problem is that; when we read or watch content, we don't have enough patience to go through that whole gamet; so we read/watch half, we understand half of what we have read/watched and react on it. We don't read enough. There is more to the truth than an exciting caption or an aesthetic Instagram picture.

As enviously beautiful as those posts look; they set a very inaccurate standard of beauty, for people and the surroundings. Filters, colour correctors, photoshop, HD cameras, portrait mode can make everything appealing to the eye. In our attempt to always look 'lit'; we tend to forget that we are human, natural or artificial; we have flaws, and we do wake up with messy hair and horrible breath. Especially as women, for centuries we've been told that these are the beauty standards that we need to follow. I have pores, blemishes, swollen skin, an imperfect smile and a long list of physical imperfections. Why do we feel the need to smooth out our pictures, it's okay to have scars, blemishes, acne, wrinkles, while men can have facial hair, pores, scars and it's called 'character'. I don't need society to tell me that I need to correct the flaws on my face, my uneven complexion or the backgrounds of my pictures. Can we for second, love ourselves for who we are, and not what we're posting it out to be? 

The next aspect of society that I cannot comprehend is the hoohaah about age. We're a country with a population of 1.3 billion; who decided that they have the power to standardize the average age for all 1 billion of us to graduate, get a good job, get married, settle down, have kids, etc?? When we're 14, we're dying to be 18; when we're 18, we're dying to be 21; when we're 21, we're dying to be 25; when we're 25, we're dying to be 18 all over again. Some people find their true selves and passion at 60 and that is not bad at all. We're all on our own journeys, who decided that if I haven't found myself or my real calling by say 25 or 30, that I am not good enough?? The journey is as important as the destination; if you pay attention to the journey, the destination will be rewarding.

If we're gonna be so caught with what our peers are doing at our age, we're gonna miss out on the precious time of our lives. We hardly know which race we're a part of at this age (I am 22), but we're all so eager to run, elbow out one another and compete. We're all wearing blinkers; and running like derby horses; cause we've been conditioned to believe that only the best one will get the job, or a good salary package, or a cute life partner, a good lifestyle that we tend to forget that life is not a competition; the world is so big, there is place for everyone.

We are the most advanced race of human civilization; the beauty of living creatures is that we're doomed, any moment can be our last, the sand can run out anytime so we have the privilege to enjoy every moment without worrying what'll happen next; yet we choose not to live these moments magnanimously and with grace; but with the fear of the uncertainty of the future. How is our immortal soul supposed to rest in peace when are mortal selves are never at peace? Do not condition yourself to settle.

"बाबू मोशाय जिंदगी बड़ी होनी चाहिए, लंबी नहीं" 
- Rajesh Khanna.