Wednesday 25 October 2017

Until next time! :')

There are no words so strong in this world that would describe my feelings for every single one of you.

For someone who’s in a professional course like hotel management, friendships are the key. I have a lot of friends in college who are professionals, that happen to fit both these criteria. So when you work with your friends, you don’t feel like life’s passing you by, which is great feeling. That in abstract is my college life, you take anybody amongst my friends, I’ve worked with them before and that is priceless.

Let me take a minute and tell this on behalf of all undergrads who migrate to different cities for college; you know, as teenagers moving out of their homes to a new city, it’s a monumental transition that we need to adapt to. Having no family to fall back on, no home to go back at the end of the day, having no one to share the dinner with, having to care for your health, finances and life by yourself; ‘adulting’ in a nutshell. It’s tough and so are those friendships that got us out of those blues. Thank you for melting the concrete walls of college with the warmth in your heart.

We’ve had an amazing run for these three years, and it’s been an extraordinary journey to have you around and enjoy your company. Whether it was walking through the empty roads in the middle of the night or going out or sitting and doing absolutely nothing or sharing meals, drinks, clothes, shoes and what not or working on assignments or exhaust ourselves working for countless events or just waste time or watching you guys play Fifa (Baaaaays). Most of all, it scares me to think we have only six more months till we migrate to different parts of the world in pursuit of our career. I am not very resilient to the thought of this parting, it’s a very heavy picture for my heart to draw. I will miss you when you’re far building your life while I build mine. But I hope one day you can lean on me as much as I have leaned on you. Thank you for holding on to me, when I was not very lovable, when I was confused, bitter and drowned in my own insecurities. To all the hugs, kisses, bucket to-do-list, fights, sentimental moments, the non sensical jokes, the slangs we picked up from each other, all the beliefs bigger than our fears. This is not a goodbye, it will never be.  This is an adieu until next time.

Anyone who’s not in college/ is in college but hasn’t completed it yet and is reading this, cherish the little joys of life. There’s a time and place for everything, right now is the time to have fun without caring. Because when the rat race begins, and the pressure and uncertainty of the future starts seeping in, you will not have the time or be in the right mind to have fun. Go get high, go to concerts, go get dressed and party, wake up late, have marvelous conversations, fight, cry, get a job, leave a job, start a new hobby, fall in love, click lots of pictures, embrace the random plans. I guess what I am trying to say is, carve your own niche. Be unstoppable, do everything that makes you happy, everything else can wait, the three years’ time in college will not, and while you do all that, take a moment, look back and enjoy all the wonderful memories you made and all the extraordinary relationships you built in the course of time. And if there’s anything you wanna say, say it now. There’s no better time for it cause you won’t be coming back after leaving this year.

If you happen to know me personally, you’d know I am a very peoples’ person. I enjoy the company of people; human traits are manifold and versatile, you can’t put them together in one person, so it is much juicer to have more people around. And by ‘more people’ I literally mean the handful of close friends you’d carry in your heart for a lifetime. Everybody else you meet in the course of time are going to be your friends or acquaintances.

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever

Go ahead, look for your picture, and if you can’t find yourself, maybe we need to click pictures!